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Class TunaConfRTPclient




type TunaConfRTPclient = class(unavclInOutPipe)


A simple but powerfull RTP conference client.




Public constructor Create(aOwner: tComponent); override;
Public constructor createDummy();
Public destructor Destroy(); override;
Public function connect(const userName, roomName: wString; const srvAddress, srvPort: string): bool; overload;
Public function getConnectStatus(var stat: unaConfClientConnStat; needFullInfo: bool = false): int;
Public function getInStreamSSRC(index: int): u_int32;
Public function getMicVolume(): int;
Public function getPlaybackVolume(): int;
Public function getRemoteName(ssrc: u_int32; out cname: wString): bool;
Public function roomJoin(const roomName: wString): int;
Public function roomLeave(const roomName: wString): int;
Protected function connect(): HRESULT; overload;
Protected function doOpen(): bool; override;
Protected function doRead(data: pointer; len: uint): uint; override;
Protected function doWrite(data: pointer; len: uint; provider: pointer = nil): uint; override;
Protected function getAvailableDataLen(index: integer): uint; override;
Protected function isActive(): bool; override;
Protected function sendClnCmd(const cmd: aString; idata: int32 = 0; data: pointer = nil; len: uint = 0): int;
Public procedure feedOut(data: pointer; len: unsigned; inbuf: unsigned);
Public procedure setEncoding(value: int; sps: int);
Protected procedure disconnect(newConnStatus: int);
Protected procedure doClose(); override;
Protected procedure handlePayload(addr: pSockAddrIn; hdr: prtp_hdr; data: pointer; len: uint); virtual;
Protected procedure handleSrvCmd(userID: u_int32; addr: pSockAddrIn; const cmd: aString; cmdData: punaConfRTPcmd); virtual;
Protected procedure onDecodedData(samples: pointer; size: int; index: int; sps: int); virtual;
Protected procedure onEncodedData(sampleDelta: int; data: pointer; size: int); virtual;
Protected procedure onIdle(rtcpIdle: bool);


Public property audioSrcIsPCM: boolean read f_audioSrcIsPCM write f_audioSrcIsPCM;
Published property bind2ip: string read f_b2ip write f_b2ip;
Published property bind2port: string read f_b2port write f_b2port;
Public property bw_in: int read f_bwIn;
Public property bw_out: int read f_bwOut;
Public property channelInfo[index:int]: punaConfChannelInfo read getChInfo;
Public property connected: bool read getConnected;
Protected property dsp: unaSpeexDSP read f_dsp;
Public property dsp_aec: bool index 3 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;
Public property dsp_agc: bool index 1 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;
Public property dsp_ns: bool index 0 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;
Public property dsp_vad: bool index 2 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;
Public property encoding: int read f_encoding;
Public property error: HRESULT read f_error;
Public property errorDataInt: int32 read getEDInt;
Public property frameSize: int32 read f_frameSize write f_frameSize;
Public property lastRoomName: wString read f_lastRoomName;
Public property mixer: unaWaveMixerDevice read f_mixer;
Published property onConnect: evonConnected read f_onConn write f_onConn;
Published property onDisconnect: evonConnected read f_onDisconn write f_onDisconn;
Protected property payload: int read f_payload;
Public property playbackEnabled: bool read f_playbackON write f_playbackON;
Public property playbackLevel: int read f_playbackLevel write f_playbackLevel;
Public property recordingEnabled: bool read f_micON write f_micON;
Public property recordingLevel: int read f_micLevel write f_micLevel;
Public property sps: int read f_sps;
Public property srvCNAME: wString read f_srvCNAME;
Public property srvMasterkey: string write setSrvMasterkey;
Public property srvSSRC: u_int32 read f_srvSSRC;
Public property SSRC: u_int32 read getSSRC write setSSRC;
Public property trans: unaRTPTransmitter read f_trans;
Published property URI: string read f_URI write setURI;
Public property userName: wString read f_userName;



Public constructor Create(aOwner: tComponent); override;

Creates an RTP Conference client.

Public constructor createDummy();

Creates dummy RTP Conference client (mostly for debug).

Public destructor Destroy(); override;

Destroys RTP Conference client.

Public function connect(const userName, roomName: wString; const srvAddress, srvPort: string): bool; overload;

Connects to server. Constructs URI property and call open().

user name.
room name to join.
server address.
server port (UDP).

True if no error occured.

Public function getConnectStatus(var stat: unaConfClientConnStat; needFullInfo: bool = false): int;

Returns status of client connection.

Public function getInStreamSSRC(index: int): u_int32;

Returns SSRC of remote user.


SSRC of client with specified index

Public function getMicVolume(): int;

current level of recording signal.

Public function getPlaybackVolume(): int;

current level of played back signal.

Public function getRemoteName(ssrc: u_int32; out cname: wString): bool;

Returns CNAME or remote user.


CNAME of remote client with specified SSRC

Public function roomJoin(const roomName: wString): int;

Joins another room.


0 if request was sent successfully.

Public function roomLeave(const roomName: wString): int;

Leaves some room.


0 if request was sent successfully.

Protected function connect(): HRESULT; overload;

Connects to server.

Protected function doOpen(): bool; override;

Opens/connects the client.


true if successfull

Protected function doRead(data: pointer; len: uint): uint; override;

Does nothing.



Protected function doWrite(data: pointer; len: uint; provider: pointer = nil): uint; override;

Resamples and passes data to encoder.

Protected function getAvailableDataLen(index: integer): uint; override;

Does nothing.



Protected function isActive(): bool; override;

True if client is active/connected.

Protected function sendClnCmd(const cmd: aString; idata: int32 = 0; data: pointer = nil; len: uint = 0): int;

0 if successfull

Public procedure feedOut(data: pointer; len: unsigned; inbuf: unsigned);

Must be called right after new audio chunk was released from WaveOut queue. NOTE: This is needed mostly for Speex AEC module to work.

Public procedure setEncoding(value: int; sps: int);

Specifies new sps/encoding to use.

One of c_rtp_enc_XXXXX
Sampling rate
Protected procedure disconnect(newConnStatus: int);

Disconnect from server.

Protected procedure doClose(); override;

Closes/disconnects the client.

Protected procedure handlePayload(addr: pSockAddrIn; hdr: prtp_hdr; data: pointer; len: uint); virtual;

Handles remote data received over network

Protected procedure handleSrvCmd(userID: u_int32; addr: pSockAddrIn; const cmd: aString; cmdData: punaConfRTPcmd); virtual;

Handles server command

Protected procedure onDecodedData(samples: pointer; size: int; index: int; sps: int); virtual;

Resamples and sends decompressed data to internal mixer.

Protected procedure onEncodedData(sampleDelta: int; data: pointer; size: int); virtual;

Sends data to server. Updates BW.

Protected procedure onIdle(rtcpIdle: bool);

Called from context of idle thread.


Public property audioSrcIsPCM: boolean read f_audioSrcIsPCM write f_audioSrcIsPCM;

If data is already encoded, set this property to False. Default is True

Published property bind2ip: string read f_b2ip write f_b2ip;

Bind to this interface (default is, means bind to all interfaces).

Published property bind2port: string read f_b2port write f_b2port;

Bind to this local port (default is 0, means auto-select first available port).

Public property bw_in: int read f_bwIn;

Input bandwidth in bits per second.

Public property bw_out: int read f_bwOut;

Output bandwidth in bits per second.

Public property channelInfo[index:int]: punaConfChannelInfo read getChInfo;

Channel info

Public property connected: bool read getConnected;

True when connection was established.

Protected property dsp: unaSpeexDSP read f_dsp;

Speex DSP object. *internal*

Public property dsp_aec: bool index 3 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;

SpeexDSP: acoustic echo cancellation ON/OFF

Public property dsp_agc: bool index 1 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;

SpeexDSP: auto-gain control ON/OFF

Public property dsp_ns: bool index 0 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;

SpeexDSP: noise suppression ON/OFF

Public property dsp_vad: bool index 2 read getDSPbool write setDSPbool;

SpeexDSP: voice activity detection ON/OFF

Public property encoding: int read f_encoding;

Encoding type. Must be one of supported c_rtp_enc_XXXX.

Public property error: HRESULT read f_error;

Last error code.

Public property errorDataInt: int32 read getEDInt;

Additional error data.

Public property frameSize: int32 read f_frameSize write f_frameSize;

If audioSrcIsPCM is False, this property should specify frame size in samples.

Public property lastRoomName: wString read f_lastRoomName;

Last room name client was joining.

Public property mixer: unaWaveMixerDevice read f_mixer;

Mixer object *use as read-only*

Published property onConnect: evonConnected read f_onConn write f_onConn;

Fired when client is connected.

Published property onDisconnect: evonConnected read f_onDisconn write f_onDisconn;

Fired when client is disconnected.

Protected property payload: int read f_payload;

Payload type. *internal*

Public property playbackEnabled: bool read f_playbackON write f_playbackON;

Enable/disable playback.

Public property playbackLevel: int read f_playbackLevel write f_playbackLevel;

Modify playback level (from 0 to 100). Default is 100 (no modify).

Public property recordingEnabled: bool read f_micON write f_micON;

Enable/disable recording.

Public property recordingLevel: int read f_micLevel write f_micLevel;

Modify recording level (from 0 to 100). Default is 100 (no modify).

Public property sps: int read f_sps;

Sampling rate. Must be 8000, 16000 or 32000.

Public property srvCNAME: wString read f_srvCNAME;

CNAME of server

Public property srvMasterkey: string write setSrvMasterkey;

Server master key (write-only).

Public property srvSSRC: u_int32 read f_srvSSRC;

SSRC of server

Public property SSRC: u_int32 read getSSRC write setSSRC;

Client's RTP SSRC

Public property trans: unaRTPTransmitter read f_trans;

RTP/RTCP transmitter.

Published property URI: string read f_URI write setURI;

URI, like:


Public property userName: wString read f_userName;

Local user Name.

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09