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Unit unaConfRTPserver

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


unaConfRTP server class.

2.5.2010.03 Still here

2.5.2010.10 Room/users names

2.5.2010.12 RTCP



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TunaConfRTPserver RTP Conference server
Class unaConfRTProom RTP Conference room
Class unaConfRTProomList List of conference rooms.
Class unaConfRTProomUser RTP Conference user.
Class unaConfRTProomUserList List of users in a conference rooms.
packed record unaConfRTPsynchEvent  

Functions and Procedures

procedure Register();


tRoomID = int32;
punaConfRTPsynchEvent = ˆunaConfRTPsynchEvent;
evonUserConnect = procedure(sender: tObject; userID: int32; roomID: tRoomID; const IP, port: string; isConnected: bool) of object;
evonUserVerify = procedure(sender: tObject; userID: int32; roomID: tRoomID; const IP, port: string; var accept: bool) of object;
evonRoomAddRemove = procedure(sender: tObject; roomID: tRoomID; doAdd: bool) of object;


Functions and Procedures

procedure Register();

IDE Integration.


tRoomID = int32;
punaConfRTPsynchEvent = ˆunaConfRTPsynchEvent;
evonUserConnect = procedure(sender: tObject; userID: int32; roomID: tRoomID; const IP, port: string; isConnected: bool) of object;

– server events –

evonUserVerify = procedure(sender: tObject; userID: int32; roomID: tRoomID; const IP, port: string; var accept: bool) of object;
evonRoomAddRemove = procedure(sender: tObject; roomID: tRoomID; doAdd: bool) of object;


(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09