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Class unaDSPDLibWavePipe




type unaDSPDLibWavePipe = class(unavclInOutWavePipe)


Abstract wave DSP DLib pipe.




Public constructor Create(owner: tComponent); override;
Protected function applyDeviceFormat(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; isSrc: bool = true): bool; override;
Protected function convertOutFloat2PCM(out buf: pointer): int; virtual;
Protected function doOpen(): bool; override;
Protected function doRead(data: pointer; len: uint): uint; override;
Protected function doWrite(data: pointer; len: uint; provider: pointer = nil): uint; override;
Protected function isActive(): bool; override;
Public procedure AfterConstruction(); override;
Public procedure BeforeDestruction(); override;
Protected procedure doClose(); override;


Public property automation: unaDSPLibAutomat read f_automation;
Published property enableDataProcessing;
Published property isFormatProvider default true;
Published property processDataInPlace: boolean read f_processDataInPlace write f_processDataInPlace default true;



Public constructor Create(owner: tComponent); override;
Protected function applyDeviceFormat(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; isSrc: bool = true): bool; override;

Applies new format on DSP automation.

Protected function convertOutFloat2PCM(out buf: pointer): int; virtual;

Converts DSP DLib output float buffer(s) to PCM plain buffer, and returns its size in bytes.

Protected function doOpen(): bool; override;

"Activates" the component.

Protected function doRead(data: pointer; len: uint): uint; override;

Reads last data processed by DSP automation. Not yet implemented.

Protected function doWrite(data: pointer; len: uint; provider: pointer = nil): uint; override;

Processes new chunk with DSP automation.

Protected function isActive(): bool; override;

Returns true if component was activated.

Public procedure AfterConstruction(); override;
Public procedure BeforeDestruction(); override;
Protected procedure doClose(); override;

"Deactivates" the component.


Public property automation: unaDSPLibAutomat read f_automation;

DSPDLib automation.

Published property enableDataProcessing;

Specifies whether the component would perform any data processing.

Published property isFormatProvider default true;

DSP components are usually a format providers – so this property value was changed to be true by default.

Published property processDataInPlace: boolean read f_processDataInPlace write f_processDataInPlace default true;

Specifies whether data should be processed by conponent "in place", changing the values in provider's buffer. When set to false data will be processed using local buffer (a bit slowly, but does not touch provider's data). Must be set to false if provider has more than one consumer.

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09