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Unit unaMpeg

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


MPEG frame parsers.

2.5.2009.06 - initial release

2.5.2011.08 - more versatile demuxer



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class unaBitReader_abstract Abstract base class for bit-reader.
Class unaBitReader_file Bit-reader based on file storage.
Class unaBitReader_stream Bit-reader based on streaming.
Class unaMpegAudio_layer123 MPEG audio frame parser.
Class unaMpegES Elementary stream
packed record unaMpegHeader MPEG Audio header.
Class unaMpegSReaderList List of Section readers
Class unaMpegTSDemuxer MPEG-TS Demuxer
Class unaMpegTSDemuxerSectionReader Internal section reader helper.
record unaMpegTSDemuxerStat  
Class unaMpegTSDescriptor TS Descriptor
Class unaMpegTSDescriptorList List of Descriptors
Class unaMpegTSEvent TS Event
Class unaMpegTSNetwork MPEG-TS Network
Class unaMpegTSProgram MPEG-TS Program
Class unaMpegTSService TS Service
Class unaMpegTS_pwnID Abstract class with ID, which can read itself from reader
Class unaMpegTS_pwnIDList Base list which indexes unaMpegTS_pwnID objects by their tags


TPID = uint32;
punaMpegTSDemuxerStat = ˆunaMpegTSDemuxerStat;


c_descISO639_cleanef = $01;
c_descISO639_hearingImp = $02;
c_descISO639_res_end = $FF;
c_descISO639_res_start = $80;
c_descISO639_undef = $00;
c_descISO639_userPriv_end = $7F;
c_descISO639_userPriv_start = $04;
c_descISO639_visualImp = $03;
c_descTagDVB_AAC = $7C;
c_descTagDVB_AC3 = $6A;
c_descTagDVB_adaptation_field_data = $70;
c_descTagDVB_ancillary_data = $6B;
c_descTagDVB_announcement_support = $6E;
c_descTagDVB_application_signalling = $6F;
c_descTagDVB_bouquet_name = $47;
c_descTagDVB_cable_delivery_system = $44;
c_descTagDVB_CA_identifier = $53;
c_descTagDVB_cell_frequency_link = $6D;
c_descTagDVB_cell_list = $6C;
c_descTagDVB_component = $50;
c_descTagDVB_content = $54;
c_descTagDVB_content_identifier = $76;
c_descTagDVB_country_availability = $49;
c_descTagDVB_data_broadcast = $64;
c_descTagDVB_data_broadcast_id = $66;
c_descTagDVB_default_authority = $73;
c_descTagDVB_DSNG = $68;
c_descTagDVB_DTS = $7B;
c_descTagDVB_ECM_repetition_rate = $78;
c_descTagDVB_enhanced_AC3 = $7A;
c_descTagDVB_extended_event = $4E;
c_descTagDVB_extension = $7F;
c_descTagDVB_frequency_list = $62;
c_descTagDVB_FTA_content_management = $7E;
c_descTagDVB_linkage = $4A;
c_descTagDVB_local_time_offset = $58;
c_descTagDVB_mosaic = $51;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_bouquet_name = $5C;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_component = $5E;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_network_name = $5B;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_service_name = $5D;
c_descTagDVB_network_name = $40;
c_descTagDVB_NVOD_reference = $4B;
c_descTagDVB_parental_rating = $55;
c_descTagDVB_partial_transport_stream = $63;
c_descTagDVB_PDC = $69;
c_descTagDVB_private_data_specifier = $5F;
c_descTagDVB_related_content = $74;
c_descTagDVB_S2_satellite_delivery_system = $79;
c_descTagDVB_satellite_delivery_system = $43;
c_descTagDVB_scrambling = $65;
c_descTagDVB_service = $48;
c_descTagDVB_service_availability = $72;
c_descTagDVB_service_identifier = $71;
c_descTagDVB_service_list = $41;
c_descTagDVB_service_move = $60;
c_descTagDVB_short_event = $4D;
c_descTagDVB_short_smoothing_buffer = $61;
c_descTagDVB_stream_identifier = $52;
c_descTagDVB_stuffing = $42;
c_descTagDVB_subtitling = $59;
c_descTagDVB_telephone = $57;
c_descTagDVB_teletext = $56;
c_descTagDVB_terrestrial_delivery_system = $5A;
c_descTagDVB_time_shifted_event = $4F;
c_descTagDVB_time_shifted_service = $4C;
c_descTagDVB_time_slice_fec_identifier = $77;
c_descTagDVB_transport_stream = $67;
c_descTagDVB_TVA_id = $75;
c_descTagDVB_VBI_data = $45;
c_descTagDVB_VBI_teletext = $46;
c_descTagDVB_XAIT_location = $7D;
c_descTag_13818_6_13 = $13;
c_descTag_13818_6_14 = $14;
c_descTag_13818_6_15 = $15;
c_descTag_13818_6_16 = $16;
c_descTag_13818_6_17 = $17;
c_descTag_13818_6_18 = $18;
c_descTag_13818_6_19 = $19;
c_descTag_13818_6_1A = $1A;
c_descTag_audio = $03;
c_descTag_AVC_timing = $2A;
c_descTag_AVC_video = $28;
c_descTag_CA = $09;
c_descTag_content_labeling = $24;
c_descTag_copyright = $0D;
c_descTag_DS_alignment = $06;
c_descTag_external_ES_ID = $20;
c_descTag_FlexMuxTiming = $2C;
c_descTag_FMC = $1F;
c_descTag_FmxBufferSize = $22;
c_descTag_hierarchy = $04;
c_descTag_IBP = $12;
c_descTag_IOD = $1D;
c_descTag_IPMP = $29;
c_descTag_ISO_639_lang = $0A;
c_descTag_maxbitrate = $0E;
c_descTag_MBU = $0C;
c_descTag_metadata = $26;
c_descTag_metadata_pointer = $25;
c_descTag_metadata_STD = $27;
c_descTag_MPEG2_AAC_audio = $2B;
c_descTag_MPEG4_audio = $1C;
c_descTag_MPEG4_video = $1B;
c_descTag_multiplexbuffer = $23;
c_descTag_MuxCode = $21;
c_descTag_PDI = $0F;
c_descTag_registration = $05;
c_descTag_res00 = $00;
c_descTag_res01 = $01;
c_descTag_res2D_start = $2D;
c_descTag_res3F_end = $3F;
c_descTag_SL = $1E;
c_descTag_SMB = $10;
c_descTag_STD = $11;
c_descTag_system_clock = $0B;
c_descTag_TBG = $07;
c_descTag_userPriv_end = $FF;
c_descTag_userPriv_start = $40;
c_descTag_video = $02;
c_descTag_video_window = $08;
c_mpegFreq: array[1..3, 0..3] of int = ( (44100, 48000, 32000, 0), (22050, 24000, 16000, 0), (11025, 12000, 8000, 0) );
c_mpeg_bitrate: array[1..3, 0..14, 1..3] of int = ( ( ( 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 32, 32), ( 64, 48, 40), ( 96, 56, 48), (128, 64, 56), (160, 80, 64), (192, 96, 80), (224, 112, 96), (256, 128, 112), (288, 160, 128), (320, 192, 160), (352, 224, 192), (384, 256, 224), (416, 320, 256), (448, 384, 320) ), ( ( 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 8, 8), ( 48, 16, 16), ( 56, 24, 24), ( 64, 32, 32), ( 80, 40, 40), ( 96, 48, 48), (112, 56, 56), (128, 64, 64), (144, 80, 80), (160, 96, 96), (176, 112, 112), (192, 128, 128), (224, 144, 144), (256, 160, 160) ), ( ( 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 8, 8), ( 48, 16, 16), ( 56, 24, 24), ( 64, 32, 32), ( 80, 40, 40), ( 96, 48, 48), (112, 56, 56), (128, 64, 64), (144, 80, 80), (160, 96, 96), (176, 112, 112), (192, 128, 128), (224, 144, 144), (256, 160, 160) ) );
c_PESST_ancillary_stream = $F9;
c_PESST_audio_stream_x = $C0;
c_PESST_audio_stream_x_mask = $E0;
c_PESST_ECM_stream = $F0;
c_PESST_EMM_stream = $F1;
c_PESST_padding_stream = $BE;
c_PESST_private_stream_1 = $BD;
c_PESST_private_stream_2 = $BF;
c_PESST_program_stream_directory = $FF;
c_PESST_program_stream_map = $BC;
c_PESST_stream_13522 = $F3;
c_PESST_stream_14496_FlexMux = $FB;
c_PESST_stream_14496_SL = $FA;
c_PESST_stream_222_A = $F4;
c_PESST_stream_222_B = $F5;
c_PESST_stream_222_C = $F6;
c_PESST_stream_222_D = $F7;
c_PESST_stream_222_E = $F8;
c_PESST_stream_A_or_DSMCC = $F2;
c_PESST_stream_reserved_FC = $FC;
c_PESST_stream_reserved_FD = $FD;
c_PESST_stream_reserved_FE = $FE;
c_PESST_video_stream_x = $E0;
c_PESST_video_stream_x_mask = $F0;
c_PID_CAT = $0001;
c_PID_DIT = $001E;
c_PID_EIT = $0012;
c_PID_IPMP = $0003;
c_PID_IS = $001C;
c_PID_MEAS = $001D;
c_PID_NIT = $0010;
c_PID_NS = $0015;
c_PID_null = $1FFF;
c_PID_PAT = $0000;
c_PID_RNT = $0016;
c_PID_RST = $0013;
c_PID_SDT_BAT = $0011;
c_PID_SIT = $001F;
c_PID_TDT_TOT = $0014;
c_PID_TSDT = $0002;
c_PMTST_AVC_1_pack = $13;
c_PMTST_AVC_1_pack_PES = $12;
c_PMTST_AVC_audio = $11;
c_PMTST_AVC_H264_video = $1B;
c_PMTST_AVC_visual = $10;
c_PMTST_H222_1 = $09;
c_PMTST_meta_DC = $17;
c_PMTST_meta_meta = $16;
c_PMTST_meta_object = $18;
c_PMTST_meta_PES = $15;
c_PMTST_meta_SDP = $19;
c_PMTST_MHEG = $07;
c_PMTST_MPEG1_audio = $03;
c_PMTST_MPEG1_video = $01;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeA = $0A;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeB = $0B;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeC = $0C;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeD = $0D;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_audio = $04;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_aux = $0E;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_PESprivate = $06;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_private = $05;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_reserved_end = $7E;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_reserved_start = $1C;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_SDP = $14;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_video = $02;
c_PMTST_reserved = $00;
c_PMTST_user_private_end = $FF;
c_PMTST_user_private_start = $80;
c_table_id_AIT = $74;
c_table_id_BAT = $4A;
c_table_id_CAT = $01;
c_table_id_CIT = $77;
c_table_id_CT = $75;
c_table_id_DIT = $7E;
c_table_id_EIT_a = $4E;
c_table_id_EIT_o = $4F;
c_table_id_forbidden = $FF;
c_table_id_MPE_FEC = $78;
c_table_id_MPE_IFEC = $7A;
c_table_id_NIT_a = $40;
c_table_id_NIT_o = $41;
c_table_id_PAT = $00;
c_table_id_PMT = $02;
c_table_id_RCT = $76;
c_table_id_RNT = $79;
c_table_id_RST = $71;
c_table_id_SDT_ats = $42;
c_table_id_SDT_o = $46;
c_table_id_SIT = $7F;
c_table_id_ST = $72;
c_table_id_TDT = $70;
c_table_id_TOT = $73;
c_table_id_TSDT = $03;
c_TS_packet_size = 188;



TPID = uint32;
punaMpegTSDemuxerStat = ˆunaMpegTSDemuxerStat;

Some statistic


c_descISO639_cleanef = $01;


c_descISO639_hearingImp = $02;

Clean effects

c_descISO639_res_end = $FF;


c_descISO639_res_start = $80;
c_descISO639_undef = $00;

audio types for ISO_639_lang tag

c_descISO639_userPriv_end = $7F;

User Private

c_descISO639_userPriv_start = $04;

Visual impaired commentary

c_descISO639_visualImp = $03;

Hearing impaired

c_descTagDVB_AAC = $7C;
c_descTagDVB_AC3 = $6A;
c_descTagDVB_adaptation_field_data = $70;
c_descTagDVB_ancillary_data = $6B;
c_descTagDVB_announcement_support = $6E;
c_descTagDVB_application_signalling = $6F;
c_descTagDVB_bouquet_name = $47;
c_descTagDVB_cable_delivery_system = $44;
c_descTagDVB_CA_identifier = $53;
c_descTagDVB_cell_frequency_link = $6D;
c_descTagDVB_cell_list = $6C;
c_descTagDVB_component = $50;
c_descTagDVB_content = $54;
c_descTagDVB_content_identifier = $76;
c_descTagDVB_country_availability = $49;
c_descTagDVB_data_broadcast = $64;
c_descTagDVB_data_broadcast_id = $66;
c_descTagDVB_default_authority = $73;
c_descTagDVB_DSNG = $68;
c_descTagDVB_DTS = $7B;
c_descTagDVB_ECM_repetition_rate = $78;
c_descTagDVB_enhanced_AC3 = $7A;
c_descTagDVB_extended_event = $4E;
c_descTagDVB_extension = $7F;
c_descTagDVB_frequency_list = $62;
c_descTagDVB_FTA_content_management = $7E;
c_descTagDVB_linkage = $4A;
c_descTagDVB_local_time_offset = $58;
c_descTagDVB_mosaic = $51;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_bouquet_name = $5C;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_component = $5E;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_network_name = $5B;
c_descTagDVB_multilingual_service_name = $5D;
c_descTagDVB_network_name = $40;

DBV descriptors

c_descTagDVB_NVOD_reference = $4B;
c_descTagDVB_parental_rating = $55;
c_descTagDVB_partial_transport_stream = $63;
c_descTagDVB_PDC = $69;
c_descTagDVB_private_data_specifier = $5F;
c_descTagDVB_related_content = $74;
c_descTagDVB_S2_satellite_delivery_system = $79;
c_descTagDVB_satellite_delivery_system = $43;
c_descTagDVB_scrambling = $65;
c_descTagDVB_service = $48;
c_descTagDVB_service_availability = $72;
c_descTagDVB_service_identifier = $71;
c_descTagDVB_service_list = $41;
c_descTagDVB_service_move = $60;
c_descTagDVB_short_event = $4D;
c_descTagDVB_short_smoothing_buffer = $61;
c_descTagDVB_stream_identifier = $52;
c_descTagDVB_stuffing = $42;
c_descTagDVB_subtitling = $59;
c_descTagDVB_telephone = $57;
c_descTagDVB_teletext = $56;
c_descTagDVB_terrestrial_delivery_system = $5A;
c_descTagDVB_time_shifted_event = $4F;
c_descTagDVB_time_shifted_service = $4C;
c_descTagDVB_time_slice_fec_identifier = $77;
c_descTagDVB_transport_stream = $67;
c_descTagDVB_TVA_id = $75;
c_descTagDVB_VBI_data = $45;
c_descTagDVB_VBI_teletext = $46;
c_descTagDVB_XAIT_location = $7D;
c_descTag_13818_6_13 = $13;


c_descTag_13818_6_14 = $14;
c_descTag_13818_6_15 = $15;
c_descTag_13818_6_16 = $16;
c_descTag_13818_6_17 = $17;
c_descTag_13818_6_18 = $18;
c_descTag_13818_6_19 = $19;
c_descTag_13818_6_1A = $1A;
c_descTag_audio = $03;


c_descTag_AVC_timing = $2A;


c_descTag_AVC_video = $28;


c_descTag_CA = $09;


c_descTag_content_labeling = $24;


c_descTag_copyright = $0D;


c_descTag_DS_alignment = $06;


c_descTag_external_ES_ID = $20;


c_descTag_FlexMuxTiming = $2C;


c_descTag_FMC = $1F;


c_descTag_FmxBufferSize = $22;


c_descTag_hierarchy = $04;


c_descTag_IBP = $12;


c_descTag_IOD = $1D;


c_descTag_IPMP = $29;

AVC video desc

c_descTag_ISO_639_lang = $0A;


c_descTag_maxbitrate = $0E;


c_descTag_MBU = $0C;


c_descTag_metadata = $26;


c_descTag_metadata_pointer = $25;


c_descTag_metadata_STD = $27;


c_descTag_MPEG2_AAC_audio = $2B;

AVC timing/HRD

c_descTag_MPEG4_audio = $1C;


c_descTag_MPEG4_video = $1B;
c_descTag_multiplexbuffer = $23;


c_descTag_MuxCode = $21;


c_descTag_PDI = $0F;


c_descTag_registration = $05;


c_descTag_res00 = $00;

User Private descriptor tag possible values

c_descTag_res01 = $01;
c_descTag_res2D_start = $2D;


c_descTag_res3F_end = $3F;
c_descTag_SL = $1E;


c_descTag_SMB = $10;


c_descTag_STD = $11;


c_descTag_system_clock = $0B;


c_descTag_TBG = $07;


c_descTag_userPriv_end = $FF;
c_descTag_userPriv_start = $40;
c_descTag_video = $02;


c_descTag_video_window = $08;


c_mpegFreq: array[1..3, 0..3] of int = ( (44100, 48000, 32000, 0), (22050, 24000, 16000, 0), (11025, 12000, 8000, 0) );

Defines sampling rates for MPEG audio frame: - first index is 1 for MPEG1, 2 for MPEG2, 3 for MPEG2.5 - second index is [header.sampling_frequency] field

c_mpeg_bitrate: array[1..3, 0..14, 1..3] of int = ( ( ( 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 32, 32), ( 64, 48, 40), ( 96, 56, 48), (128, 64, 56), (160, 80, 64), (192, 96, 80), (224, 112, 96), (256, 128, 112), (288, 160, 128), (320, 192, 160), (352, 224, 192), (384, 256, 224), (416, 320, 256), (448, 384, 320) ), ( ( 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 8, 8), ( 48, 16, 16), ( 56, 24, 24), ( 64, 32, 32), ( 80, 40, 40), ( 96, 48, 48), (112, 56, 56), (128, 64, 64), (144, 80, 80), (160, 96, 96), (176, 112, 112), (192, 128, 128), (224, 144, 144), (256, 160, 160) ), ( ( 0, 0, 0), ( 32, 8, 8), ( 48, 16, 16), ( 56, 24, 24), ( 64, 32, 32), ( 80, 40, 40), ( 96, 48, 48), (112, 56, 56), (128, 64, 64), (144, 80, 80), (160, 96, 96), (176, 112, 112), (192, 128, 128), (224, 144, 144), (256, 160, 160) ) );

Defines various MP3 bitrates: - first index is 1 for MPEG1, 2 for MPEG2, 3 for MPEG2.5 - second index is [header.bitrate_index] field - third index is 1 (layer I), 2 (layer II) or 3 (layer III)

c_PESST_ancillary_stream = $F9;

1111 1000

c_PESST_audio_stream_x = $C0;

1011 1111

c_PESST_audio_stream_x_mask = $E0;

1110 xxxx - up to 16 video streams

c_PESST_ECM_stream = $F0;

1111 0000

c_PESST_EMM_stream = $F1;

1111 0000

c_PESST_padding_stream = $BE;

1011 1101

c_PESST_private_stream_1 = $BD;

1011 1100

c_PESST_private_stream_2 = $BF;

1011 1110

c_PESST_program_stream_directory = $FF;

1111 1100 … 1111 1110 reserved data stream

c_PESST_program_stream_map = $BC;

forbidden PES stream types

c_PESST_stream_13522 = $F3;

1111 0010

c_PESST_stream_14496_FlexMux = $FB;

1111 1010

c_PESST_stream_14496_SL = $FA;

1111 1001

c_PESST_stream_222_A = $F4;

1111 0011

c_PESST_stream_222_B = $F5;

1111 0100

c_PESST_stream_222_C = $F6;

1111 0101

c_PESST_stream_222_D = $F7;

1111 0110

c_PESST_stream_222_E = $F8;

1111 0111

c_PESST_stream_A_or_DSMCC = $F2;

1111 0001

c_PESST_stream_reserved_FC = $FC;

1111 1011

c_PESST_stream_reserved_FD = $FD;

1111 1100 … 1111 1110 reserved data stream

c_PESST_stream_reserved_FE = $FE;

1111 1100 … 1111 1110 reserved data stream

c_PESST_video_stream_x = $E0;

110x xxxx - up to 32 audio streams

c_PESST_video_stream_x_mask = $F0;

1110 0000

c_PID_CAT = $0001;
c_PID_DIT = $001E;
c_PID_EIT = $0012;
c_PID_IPMP = $0003;
c_PID_IS = $001C;
c_PID_MEAS = $001D;
c_PID_NIT = $0010;
c_PID_NS = $0015;
c_PID_null = $1FFF;
c_PID_PAT = $0000;


c_PID_RNT = $0016;
c_PID_RST = $0013;
c_PID_SDT_BAT = $0011;
c_PID_SIT = $001F;
c_PID_TDT_TOT = $0014;
c_PID_TSDT = $0002;
c_PMTST_AVC_1_pack = $13;

ISO/IEC 14496-1 SL-packetized stream or FlexMux stream carried in PES packets

c_PMTST_AVC_1_pack_PES = $12;

ISO/IEC 14496-3 Audio with the LATM transport syntax as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-3

c_PMTST_AVC_audio = $11;

ISO/IEC 14496-2 Visual

c_PMTST_AVC_H264_video = $1B;

IPMP stream (defined in ISO/IEC 13818-11, MPEG-2 IPMP)

c_PMTST_AVC_visual = $10;

ISO/IEC 13818-7 Audio with ADTS transport syntax

c_PMTST_H222_1 = $09;

ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 Annex A DSM-CC


ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 Reserved

c_PMTST_meta_DC = $17;

Metadata carried in metadata_sections

c_PMTST_meta_meta = $16;

Metadata carried in PES packets

c_PMTST_meta_object = $18;

Metadata carried in ISO/IEC 13818-6 Data Carousel

c_PMTST_meta_PES = $15;

ISO/IEC 13818-6 Synchronized Download Protocol

c_PMTST_meta_SDP = $19;

Metadata carried in ISO/IEC 13818-6 Object Carousel

c_PMTST_MHEG = $07;

ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 PES packets containing private data

c_PMTST_MPEG1_audio = $03;

ITU-T Rec. H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 Video or ISO/IEC 11172-2 constrained parameter video stream

c_PMTST_MPEG1_video = $01;

ITU-T | ISO/IEC Reserved

c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeA = $0A;

ITU-T Rec. H.222.1

c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeB = $0B;

ISO/IEC 13818-6 type A

c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeC = $0C;

ISO/IEC 13818-6 type B

c_PMTST_MPEG2_6_typeD = $0D;

ISO/IEC 13818-6 type C


ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 auxiliary

c_PMTST_MPEG2_audio = $04;

ISO/IEC 11172-3 Audio

c_PMTST_MPEG2_aux = $0E;

ISO/IEC 13818-6 type D




Metadata carried in ISO/IEC 13818-6 Synchronized Download Protocol

c_PMTST_MPEG2_PESprivate = $06;

ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 private_sections

c_PMTST_MPEG2_private = $05;

ISO/IEC 13818-3 Audio

c_PMTST_MPEG2_reserved_end = $7E;
c_PMTST_MPEG2_reserved_start = $1C;

AVC video stream as defined in ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 Video

c_PMTST_MPEG2_SDP = $14;

ISO/IEC 14496-1 SL-packetized stream or FlexMux stream carried in ISO/IEC 14496_sections

c_PMTST_MPEG2_video = $02;

ISO/IEC 11172-2 Video

c_PMTST_reserved = $00;

1111 1111 PMT stream types

c_PMTST_user_private_end = $FF;
c_PMTST_user_private_start = $80;

IPMP stream

c_table_id_AIT = $74;


c_table_id_BAT = $4A;

service_description_section - other_transport_stream 47 to 0x49 reserved for future use

c_table_id_CAT = $01;


c_table_id_CIT = $77;

related content section (TS 102 323 [13])

c_table_id_CT = $75;

application information section (TS 102 812 [15])

c_table_id_DIT = $7E;

MPE-IFEC section (TS 102 772 [51]) 7B to 0x7D reserved for future use

c_table_id_EIT_a = $4E;

bouquet_association_section 4B to 0x4D reserved for future use

c_table_id_EIT_o = $4F;

event_information_section - actual_transport_stream, present/following

c_table_id_forbidden = $FF;

selection_information_section 80 to 0xFE user defined

c_table_id_MPE_FEC = $78;

content identifier section (TS 102 323 [13])

c_table_id_MPE_IFEC = $7A;

resolution notification section (TS 102 323 [13])

c_table_id_NIT_a = $40;

transport_stream_description_section 04 to 0x3F reserved

c_table_id_NIT_o = $41;

network_information_section - actual_network

c_table_id_PAT = $00;

c_PID_PMT = $FFFF; // this is not an actual PID, rather an internal flag : Allocation of table_id values

c_table_id_PMT = $02;


c_table_id_RCT = $76;

container section (TS 102 323 [13])

c_table_id_RNT = $79;

MPE-FEC section (EN 301 192 [4])

c_table_id_RST = $71;


c_table_id_SDT_ats = $42;

network_information_section - other_network

c_table_id_SDT_o = $46;

service_description_section - actual_transport_stream 43 to 0x45 reserved for future use

c_table_id_SIT = $7F;


c_table_id_ST = $72;


c_table_id_TDT = $70;

event_information_section - other_transport_stream, present/following 50 to 0x5F event_information_section - actual_transport_stream, schedule 60 to 0x6F event_information_section - other_transport_stream, schedule

c_table_id_TOT = $73;


c_table_id_TSDT = $03;


c_TS_packet_size = 188;

————- == MPEG TS == ————-


(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09