Description | Hierarchy | Fields | Methods | Properties |
type mpglib_gr_info_s = packed record
scfsi: int; |
part2_3_length: unsigned; |
big_values: unsigned; |
scalefac_compress: unsigned; |
block_type: unsigned; |
mixed_block_flag: unsigned; |
table_select: array[0..2] of unsigned; |
subblock_gain: array[0..2] of unsigned; |
maxband: array[0..2] of unsigned; |
maxbandl: unsigned; |
maxb: unsigned; |
region1start: unsigned; |
region2start: unsigned; |
preflag: unsigned; |
scalefac_scale: unsigned; |
count1table_select: unsigned; |
full_gain: array[0..2] of pfloat; |
pow2gain: pfloat; |
scfsi: int; |
part2_3_length: unsigned; |
big_values: unsigned; |
scalefac_compress: unsigned; |
block_type: unsigned; |
mixed_block_flag: unsigned; |
table_select: array[0..2] of unsigned; |
subblock_gain: array[0..2] of unsigned; |
maxband: array[0..2] of unsigned; |
maxbandl: unsigned; |
maxb: unsigned; |
region1start: unsigned; |
region2start: unsigned; |
preflag: unsigned; |
scalefac_scale: unsigned; |
count1table_select: unsigned; |
full_gain: array[0..2] of pfloat; |
pow2gain: pfloat; |
(c) 2012 Lake of Soft