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Class unaRTPTunnelServer




type unaRTPTunnelServer = class(unaRTPTransmitter)


RTP Tunnel server class.




Public function addTunnel(const src, dst: tSockAddrIn): HRESULT; overload;
Public function addTunnel(const src, dst: string): HRESULT; overload;
Public function addTunnel(srcSSRC, dstSSRC: u_int32): HRESULT; overload;
Public function removeTunnel(index: int): HRESULT; overload;
Public function removeTunnel(srcSSRC, dstSSRC: u_int32): HRESULT; overload;
Public function updateTunnel(index: int; srcSSRC, dstSSRC: u_int32): HRESULT; overload;
Public function updateTunnel(index: int; const src, dst: string): HRESULT; overload;
Protected function doOpen(waitForThreadsToStart: bool = true): bool; override;
Protected procedure doClose(); override;
Protected procedure onPayload(addr: pSockAddrIn; hdr: prtp_hdr; data: pointer; len, packetSize: uint); override;


Public property onLogEvent: proc_unaTunnelServerOnLog read f_log write f_log;
Public property packetsReceived: int64 read f_ptIn;
Public property packetsSent: int64 read f_ptOut;
Public property tunnel[index:int]: punaTunnelMap read getTM;
Public property tunnelCount: int read f_tc;



Public function addTunnel(const src, dst: tSockAddrIn): HRESULT; overload;
Public function addTunnel(const src, dst: string): HRESULT; overload;
Public function addTunnel(srcSSRC, dstSSRC: u_int32): HRESULT; overload;
Public function removeTunnel(index: int): HRESULT; overload;
Public function removeTunnel(srcSSRC, dstSSRC: u_int32): HRESULT; overload;
Public function updateTunnel(index: int; srcSSRC, dstSSRC: u_int32): HRESULT; overload;
Public function updateTunnel(index: int; const src, dst: string): HRESULT; overload;
Protected function doOpen(waitForThreadsToStart: bool = true): bool; override;

Need to do some cleanup before opening.

Protected procedure doClose(); override;
Protected procedure onPayload(addr: pSockAddrIn; hdr: prtp_hdr; data: pointer; len, packetSize: uint); override;

Analyze and redirect packets according to rules.


Public property onLogEvent: proc_unaTunnelServerOnLog read f_log write f_log;

Notifies on some server events.

Public property packetsReceived: int64 read f_ptIn;
Public property packetsSent: int64 read f_ptOut;
Public property tunnel[index:int]: punaTunnelMap read getTM;
Public property tunnelCount: int read f_tc;

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09