Description | Hierarchy | Fields | Methods | Properties |
type WSAPROTOCOL_INFO = packed record
dwServiceFlags1: int32; |
dwServiceFlags2: int32; |
dwServiceFlags3: int32; |
dwServiceFlags4: int32; |
dwProviderFlags: int32; |
ProviderId: TGUID; |
dwCatalogEntryId: int32; |
ProtocolChain: TWSAProtocolChain; |
iVersion: int32; |
iAddressFamily: int32; |
iMaxSockAddr: int32; |
iMinSockAddr: int32; |
iSocketType: int32; |
iProtocol: int32; |
iProtocolMaxOffset: int32; |
iNetworkByteOrder: int32; |
iSecurityScheme: int32; |
dwMessageSize: int32; |
dwProviderReserved: int32; |
szProtocol: array[0..WSAPROTOCOL_LEN] of wideChar; |
dwServiceFlags1: int32; |
dwServiceFlags2: int32; |
dwServiceFlags3: int32; |
dwServiceFlags4: int32; |
dwProviderFlags: int32; |
ProviderId: TGUID; |
dwCatalogEntryId: int32; |
ProtocolChain: TWSAProtocolChain; |
iVersion: int32; |
iAddressFamily: int32; |
iMaxSockAddr: int32; |
iMinSockAddr: int32; |
iSocketType: int32; |
iProtocol: int32; |
iProtocolMaxOffset: int32; |
iNetworkByteOrder: int32; |
iSecurityScheme: int32; |
dwMessageSize: int32; |
dwProviderReserved: int32; |
szProtocol: array[0..WSAPROTOCOL_LEN] of wideChar; |
(c) 2012 Lake of Soft