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Class unaWinClass




type unaWinClass = class(unaObject)


This class encapsulates the Windows class object.




Public constructor create(const name: string = ''; style: unsigned = 0; icon: hIcon = 0; smallIcon: hIcon = 0; cursor: hCursor = 0; brBrush: hBrush = COLOR_WINDOW + 1; menuName: int = 0; instance: hModule = 0; force: bool = true);
Public constructor createStdClass(const name: string; instance: hModule = 0);
Public destructor Destroy(); override;
Public function callSubClassedWndProc(window: hWnd; message, wParam, lParam: int): int;
Public class function classIsRegistered(const className: string; instance: hModule = 0): bool;
Public function createSubclass(mainWnd: hWnd; newWndProc: pointer): bool;
Public function getAtom(): ATOM;
Public function getWndClassW(): pWNDCLASSEXW;
Public function registerClass(force: bool = true): ATOM;
Public procedure removeSubclass();
Public procedure unregister();


Public property atom: ATOM read f_atom;
Public property isCommon: bool read f_isCommon;
Public property subClassed: bool read f_wasSubclassed;
Public property wndClassW: TWNDCLASSEXW read f_wndClassW;



Public constructor create(const name: string = ''; style: unsigned = 0; icon: hIcon = 0; smallIcon: hIcon = 0; cursor: hCursor = 0; brBrush: hBrush = COLOR_WINDOW + 1; menuName: int = 0; instance: hModule = 0; force: bool = true);

Creates and registers new Windows class.

Public constructor createStdClass(const name: string; instance: hModule = 0);

Creates and registers new "standard" Windows class, such as BUTTON, EDIT and so on.

Public destructor Destroy(); override;
Public function callSubClassedWndProc(window: hWnd; message, wParam, lParam: int): int;

Calls subclassed WndProc.

Public class function classIsRegistered(const className: string; instance: hModule = 0): bool;

Returns true if class is already registered.

Public function createSubclass(mainWnd: hWnd; newWndProc: pointer): bool;

Subclasses the Windows class.

Public function getAtom(): ATOM;

Returns atom received after registering of class. Registers class if necessary.

Public function getWndClassW(): pWNDCLASSEXW;

Returns pointer on WNDCLASSEX structure corresponding to this class.

Public function registerClass(force: bool = true): ATOM;

Registers Windows class.

Public procedure removeSubclass();

Removes subclassing from the class.

Public procedure unregister();

Unregisters Windows class.


Public property atom: ATOM read f_atom;

Returns atom received after registering of class.

Public property isCommon: bool read f_isCommon;

Returns true if this Windows class is common or "standard" class (such as BUTTON, EDIT and so on).

Public property subClassed: bool read f_wasSubclassed;

Returns true if this Windows class was subclassed.

Public property wndClassW: TWNDCLASSEXW read f_wndClassW;

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09