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Class unaWinFont




type unaWinFont = class(unaObject)


This class encapsulates the Windows font object.




Public constructor create(const face: string = ''; h: int = 16; w: int = 6; escapement: int = 0; orientation: int = 0; weight: int = FW_LIGHT; italic: bool = false; underline: bool = false; strikeout: bool = false; charset: unsigned = DEFAULT_CHARSET; precision: unsigned = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; clipPrecision: unsigned = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; quality: unsigned = DEFAULT_QUALITY; pitchAndFamily: unsigned = VARIABLE_PITCH or FF_SWISS);
Public constructor createIndirect(const font: LOGFONT);
Public destructor Destroy(); override;
Public class function chooseScreenFont(var font: LOGFONT; owner: hWnd = 0; dc: hDC = 0; flags: unsigned = CF_SCREENFONTS; sizeMin: unsigned = 0; sizeMax: unsigned = 0): bool;


Public property font: hFont read f_font;



Public constructor create(const face: string = ''; h: int = 16; w: int = 6; escapement: int = 0; orientation: int = 0; weight: int = FW_LIGHT; italic: bool = false; underline: bool = false; strikeout: bool = false; charset: unsigned = DEFAULT_CHARSET; precision: unsigned = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; clipPrecision: unsigned = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; quality: unsigned = DEFAULT_QUALITY; pitchAndFamily: unsigned = VARIABLE_PITCH or FF_SWISS);

Creates new Windows font. Usually you should not care about removing the font, this will be done automatically when program exits.

Public constructor createIndirect(const font: LOGFONT);

Creates new Windows font. Usually you should not care about removing the font, this will be done automatically when program exits.

Public destructor Destroy(); override;

Removes all resources used by this font object.

Public class function chooseScreenFont(var font: LOGFONT; owner: hWnd = 0; dc: hDC = 0; flags: unsigned = CF_SCREENFONTS; sizeMin: unsigned = 0; sizeMax: unsigned = 0): bool;

Chooses a font. Displays font choose dialog. Returns true if used had successfully selected a font, or false otherwise.


Public property font: hFont read f_font;

Windows font handle.

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09