VCX. Multi-band splitter

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Describes how to implement a multi-band splitter in your application using Visual Studio (C# or Visual Basic .NET).

Binary :


Select a sound card. Press the Start/Stop buttons to start/stop playback. Use a checkbox to turn on/off the corresponding frequency band.

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Programming background

In this demo the Multi-band splitter component is placed in the way of WaveIn > WaveOut.

1) Configure frequency bands.

Splitter.NumBands property indicates the number of frequency bands. The exact frequency range for each band is calculated either automatically:

Splitter.FreqAssignMode = unafam_powerOf2

...or manually:

Splitter.FreqAssignMode = unafam_manual, call the Splitter.SetFrequency method to define the frequency bands.

2) Turn a band on/off.

Every time you click a checkbox, call the Splitter.SetPassThrough method to turn on/off the corresponding frequency band.

Multi-band splitter component reference