Description | Uses | Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records | Functions and Procedures | Types | Constants | Variables |
public version
– ============= –
... after XE2 – – ================= RELEASE OPTIONS ================= $C- generation of assersion code (affects binary code)
$D- no debug info $O+ turn on optimization (affects binary code) $I- generation of checking I/O results code (affects binary code) $Q- generation of overflow checking code (affects binary code) $R- generation of range-checking code (affects binary code) $W- generation of stack frames for procedures and functions (affects binary code) COMMON (RELEASE and DEBUG) options ? – common – $A+ align records to 8/16 boundaries (unless packed modifier is specified) $B- turn off full boolean evaluation WARNING! turning is option on will introduce certain access violations $H+ turn on long string support $J- turn off writeable const $M- turn off RTTI (when possible) $T+ turn on typed pointers $X+ turn on extended syntax $Z+ or $Z4 set enum element size to 4 bytes short string? who still needs them.. short string? who still needs them..
Name | Description |
Class myMpegDecoder |
– myMpegDecoder – |
Class socketStreamer |
– socketStreamer – |
Class waveRecorder |
– – |
function init_freeComponent(component: tExfComponent; doInit: bool): int; |
function recording_start(streamer: socketStreamer; deviceId: unsigned; bitRate: unsigned = 128; samplingRate: unsigned = 44100; stereoMode: int = 1): HRESULT; |
function recording_stop(): HRESULT; |
function recording_isActive(): bool; |
function recording_getStatusCode(): int; |
function recording_getStatistic(): int64; |
function streaming_start(const address, port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192): HRESULT; |
function streaming_stop(): HRESULT; |
function streaming_isActive(): bool; |
function streaming_getStatusCode(): int; |
function streaming_getStatistic(): int64; |
procedure streaming_sendData(data: pointer; size: unsigned); |
function audioServer_start(const port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192; deviceId: unsigned = WAVE_MAPPER): HRESULT; |
function audioServer_stop(): HRESULT; |
function audioServer_isActive(): bool; |
function audioServer_hasClient(): bool; |
function audioServer_getStatusCode(): int; |
function audioServer_getStatistic(out receivedBytes, playedBackBytes: int64; out pcmFormat: string): bool; |
tExfComponent = (...); |
c_barixPayload_ALaw_12kHz = 110; |
c_barixPayload_ALaw_24kHz = 98; |
c_barixPayload_ALaw_32kHz = 101; |
c_barixPayload_generic = 127; |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_12kHz_1 = 112; |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_24kHz_1 = 105; |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_32kHz_1 = 106; |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_44kHz_2 = 107; |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_48kHz_2 = 108; |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_8kHz_1 = 104; |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_12kHz_1 = 111; |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_24kHz_1 = 99; |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_32kHz_1 = 102; |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_48kHz_2 = 103; |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_8kHz_1 = 96; |
c_barixPayload_uLaw_12kHz = 109; |
c_barixPayload_uLaw_24kHz = 97; |
c_barixPayload_uLaw_32kHz = 100; |
function init_freeComponent(component: tExfComponent; doInit: bool): int; |
Initializes or finalizes specified component. Must be first/last function called for every component. |
function recording_start(streamer: socketStreamer; deviceId: unsigned; bitRate: unsigned = 128; samplingRate: unsigned = 44100; stereoMode: int = 1): HRESULT; |
Starts live audio recording. deviceId - waveIn device id to use. WAVE_MAPPER or 0, 1.. ; bitRate - 32, 96, 128, 256 ... samplingRate - 8000, 16000, 22050, 44100 or other; stereo - true/false; numBits - 8/16 Also activates Lame encoding engine. ReturnsS_OK if recording was started, or -1 otherwise. |
function recording_stop(): HRESULT; |
Stops live audio recording. Should always return S_OK. |
function recording_isActive(): bool; |
Audio recording state. ReturnsTrue if live audio recording is active, false otherwise. |
function recording_getStatusCode(): int; |
-1 if no device was created yet, -2 if Lame config fails, -3 if Lame encoding library was not found, -4 if other Lame-specific error has occured or specific wave error code otherwise. Returns0 if no error was occured during recording, |
function recording_getStatistic(): int64; |
Audio recording stats. ReturnsNumber of bytes recorded by component so far. |
function streaming_start(const address, port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192): HRESULT; |
Starts real-time TCP/IP streaming to specified IP server. Streams MP3 data produced by live audio recording. Streams nothing if no live audio recording is active.
ReturnsS_OK if streaming was started, or -1 otherwise. |
function streaming_stop(): HRESULT; |
Stops real-time TCP/IP streaming. ReturnsShould always return S_OK. |
function streaming_isActive(): bool; |
Streaming state. ReturnsTrue if real-time TCP/IP streaming is active, false otherwise. |
function streaming_getStatusCode(): int; |
Streaming status. Returns0 if no error was occured during streaming, 1 if client was disconnected from server or specific socket error code otherwise. |
function streaming_getStatistic(): int64; |
Streaming stats. ReturnsNumber of bytes sent by component so far. |
procedure streaming_sendData(data: pointer; size: unsigned); |
Internal, do not use. |
function audioServer_start(const port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192; deviceId: unsigned = WAVE_MAPPER): HRESULT; |
Starts real-time TCP/IP streaming audio server (Exstreamer emulator). Waits for MP3 data to be received and plays it back in real time. // bufferSize specifies maximum size of buffer used to store the incoming data. // returns S_OK if server was started, or -1 otherwise. |
function audioServer_stop(): HRESULT; |
Stops real-time TCP/IP streaming. // Should always return S_OK. |
function audioServer_isActive(): bool; |
returns true if audio server is active, false otherwise. |
function audioServer_hasClient(): bool; |
returns true if at least one client is connected to server, false otherwise. |
function audioServer_getStatusCode(): int; |
returns 0 if no error was occured during server activity, -1 if no device was created yet, -2 if DECODER config fails, -3 if DECODER library was not found, -4 if other DECODER-specific error has occured or specific socket error code otherwise. |
function audioServer_getStatistic(out receivedBytes, playedBackBytes: int64; out pcmFormat: string): bool; |
returns true and number of bytes received and played back by component (false if no component was created yet). |
tExfComponent = (...); |
– – Values
c_barixPayload_ALaw_12kHz = 110; |
mu-Law, 8bit, mono, 12kHz |
c_barixPayload_ALaw_24kHz = 98; |
mu-Law, 8bit, mono, 24kHz |
c_barixPayload_ALaw_32kHz = 101; |
mu-Law, 8bit, mono, 32kHz (reserved?) |
c_barixPayload_generic = 127; |
PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 12kHz mono |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_12kHz_1 = 112; |
PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 12kHz mono |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_24kHz_1 = 105; |
PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 8kHz mono |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_32kHz_1 = 106; |
PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 24kHz mono |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_44kHz_2 = 107; |
PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 32kHz mono (reserved?) |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_48kHz_2 = 108; |
PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 44.1kHz stereo, left channel first |
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_8kHz_1 = 104; |
PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 48kHz stereo, left channel first |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_12kHz_1 = 111; |
A-Law, 8bit, mono, 12kHz |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_24kHz_1 = 99; |
A-Law, 8bit, mono, 24kHz |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_32kHz_1 = 102; |
A-Law, 8bit, mono, 32kHz (reserved?) |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_48kHz_2 = 103; |
PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 32kHz mono (reserved?) |
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_8kHz_1 = 96; |
== barix specific payloads == RTP payload type —————————– |
c_barixPayload_uLaw_12kHz = 109; |
PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 48kHz stereo, left channel first |
c_barixPayload_uLaw_24kHz = 97; |
PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 8kHz mono |
c_barixPayload_uLaw_32kHz = 100; |
PCM, 16bit, MSB first, signed, 24kHz mono |
(c) 2012 Lake of Soft