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Unit unaExfeeder

DescriptionUsesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


public version

– ============= –

... after XE2 – – ================= RELEASE OPTIONS ================= $C- generation of assersion code (affects binary code)

$D- no debug info $O+ turn on optimization (affects binary code) $I- generation of checking I/O results code (affects binary code) $Q- generation of overflow checking code (affects binary code) $R- generation of range-checking code (affects binary code) $W- generation of stack frames for procedures and functions (affects binary code) COMMON (RELEASE and DEBUG) options ? – common – $A+ align records to 8/16 boundaries (unless packed modifier is specified) $B- turn off full boolean evaluation WARNING! turning is option on will introduce certain access violations $H+ turn on long string support $J- turn off writeable const $M- turn off RTTI (when possible) $T+ turn on typed pointers $X+ turn on extended syntax $Z+ or $Z4 set enum element size to 4 bytes short string? who still needs them.. short string? who still needs them..



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class myMpegDecoder – myMpegDecoder –
Class socketStreamer – socketStreamer –
Class waveRecorder – –

Functions and Procedures

function init_freeComponent(component: tExfComponent; doInit: bool): int;
function recording_start(streamer: socketStreamer; deviceId: unsigned; bitRate: unsigned = 128; samplingRate: unsigned = 44100; stereoMode: int = 1): HRESULT;
function recording_stop(): HRESULT;
function recording_isActive(): bool;
function recording_getStatusCode(): int;
function recording_getStatistic(): int64;
function streaming_start(const address, port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192): HRESULT;
function streaming_stop(): HRESULT;
function streaming_isActive(): bool;
function streaming_getStatusCode(): int;
function streaming_getStatistic(): int64;
procedure streaming_sendData(data: pointer; size: unsigned);
function audioServer_start(const port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192; deviceId: unsigned = WAVE_MAPPER): HRESULT;
function audioServer_stop(): HRESULT;
function audioServer_isActive(): bool;
function audioServer_hasClient(): bool;
function audioServer_getStatusCode(): int;
function audioServer_getStatistic(out receivedBytes, playedBackBytes: int64; out pcmFormat: string): bool;


tExfComponent = (...);


c_barixPayload_ALaw_12kHz = 110;
c_barixPayload_ALaw_24kHz = 98;
c_barixPayload_ALaw_32kHz = 101;
c_barixPayload_generic = 127;
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_12kHz_1 = 112;
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_24kHz_1 = 105;
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_32kHz_1 = 106;
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_44kHz_2 = 107;
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_48kHz_2 = 108;
c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_8kHz_1 = 104;
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_12kHz_1 = 111;
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_24kHz_1 = 99;
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_32kHz_1 = 102;
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_48kHz_2 = 103;
c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_8kHz_1 = 96;
c_barixPayload_uLaw_12kHz = 109;
c_barixPayload_uLaw_24kHz = 97;
c_barixPayload_uLaw_32kHz = 100;


Functions and Procedures

function init_freeComponent(component: tExfComponent; doInit: bool): int;

Initializes or finalizes specified component. Must be first/last function called for every component.

function recording_start(streamer: socketStreamer; deviceId: unsigned; bitRate: unsigned = 128; samplingRate: unsigned = 44100; stereoMode: int = 1): HRESULT;

Starts live audio recording. deviceId - waveIn device id to use. WAVE_MAPPER or 0, 1.. ; bitRate - 32, 96, 128, 256 ... samplingRate - 8000, 16000, 22050, 44100 or other; stereo - true/false; numBits - 8/16 Also activates Lame encoding engine.


S_OK if recording was started, or -1 otherwise.

function recording_stop(): HRESULT;

Stops live audio recording. Should always return S_OK.

function recording_isActive(): bool;

Audio recording state.


True if live audio recording is active, false otherwise.

function recording_getStatusCode(): int;

-1 if no device was created yet, -2 if Lame config fails, -3 if Lame encoding library was not found, -4 if other Lame-specific error has occured or specific wave error code otherwise.


0 if no error was occured during recording,

function recording_getStatistic(): int64;

Audio recording stats.


Number of bytes recorded by component so far.

function streaming_start(const address, port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192): HRESULT;

Starts real-time TCP/IP streaming to specified IP server. Streams MP3 data produced by live audio recording. Streams nothing if no live audio recording is active.

Specifies maximum size of buffer used to store the data to be sent.

S_OK if streaming was started, or -1 otherwise.

function streaming_stop(): HRESULT;

Stops real-time TCP/IP streaming.


Should always return S_OK.

function streaming_isActive(): bool;

Streaming state.


True if real-time TCP/IP streaming is active, false otherwise.

function streaming_getStatusCode(): int;

Streaming status.


0 if no error was occured during streaming, 1 if client was disconnected from server or specific socket error code otherwise.

function streaming_getStatistic(): int64;

Streaming stats.


Number of bytes sent by component so far.

procedure streaming_sendData(data: pointer; size: unsigned);

Internal, do not use.

function audioServer_start(const port: string; socketType: unsigned = IPPROTO_TCP; bufferSize: unsigned = 8192; deviceId: unsigned = WAVE_MAPPER): HRESULT;

Starts real-time TCP/IP streaming audio server (Exstreamer emulator). Waits for MP3 data to be received and plays it back in real time. // bufferSize specifies maximum size of buffer used to store the incoming data. // returns S_OK if server was started, or -1 otherwise.

function audioServer_stop(): HRESULT;

Stops real-time TCP/IP streaming. // Should always return S_OK.

function audioServer_isActive(): bool;

returns true if audio server is active, false otherwise.

function audioServer_hasClient(): bool;

returns true if at least one client is connected to server, false otherwise.

function audioServer_getStatusCode(): int;

returns 0 if no error was occured during server activity, -1 if no device was created yet, -2 if DECODER config fails, -3 if DECODER library was not found, -4 if other DECODER-specific error has occured or specific socket error code otherwise.

function audioServer_getStatistic(out receivedBytes, playedBackBytes: int64; out pcmFormat: string): bool;

returns true and number of bytes received and played back by component (false if no component was created yet).


tExfComponent = (...);

– –

  • ec_recording:  
  • ec_streaming:  
  • ec_audioServer:  


c_barixPayload_ALaw_12kHz = 110;

mu-Law, 8bit, mono, 12kHz

c_barixPayload_ALaw_24kHz = 98;

mu-Law, 8bit, mono, 24kHz

c_barixPayload_ALaw_32kHz = 101;

mu-Law, 8bit, mono, 32kHz (reserved?)

c_barixPayload_generic = 127;

PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 12kHz mono

c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_12kHz_1 = 112;

PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 12kHz mono

c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_24kHz_1 = 105;

PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 8kHz mono

c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_32kHz_1 = 106;

PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 24kHz mono

c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_44kHz_2 = 107;

PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 32kHz mono (reserved?)

c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_48kHz_2 = 108;

PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 44.1kHz stereo, left channel first

c_barixPayload_PCMlsb_8kHz_1 = 104;

PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 48kHz stereo, left channel first

c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_12kHz_1 = 111;

A-Law, 8bit, mono, 12kHz

c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_24kHz_1 = 99;

A-Law, 8bit, mono, 24kHz

c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_32kHz_1 = 102;

A-Law, 8bit, mono, 32kHz (reserved?)

c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_48kHz_2 = 103;

PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 32kHz mono (reserved?)

c_barixPayload_PCMmsb_8kHz_1 = 96;

== barix specific payloads == RTP payload type http://wiki.barix.com/index.php5/RTP —————————–

c_barixPayload_uLaw_12kHz = 109;

PCM 16bit, LSB first, signed, 48kHz stereo, left channel first

c_barixPayload_uLaw_24kHz = 97;

PCM 16bit, MSB first, signed, 8kHz mono

c_barixPayload_uLaw_32kHz = 100;

PCM, 16bit, MSB first, signed, 24kHz mono

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-07