Description | Uses | Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records | Functions and Procedures | Types | Constants | Variables |
Contains Microsoft ACM wrapper and core VC wave device classes.
Version 2.5.2009.07: + new getUnVolume() method;
Version 2.5.2008.07: + new callback model; + SetVolume100()/GetVolume() for all wave components; + Silence detection built in into all wave components;
Version 2.5.2010.02: + new VAD mode based on 3GPP codec;
Version 2.5.2010.12: * jitter effect on WaveOut;
Version 2.5.2012.04: * ASIO;
Name | Description |
record unaAcmDetails |
Class unaMMTimer |
Multimedia timer wrapper class. |
Class unaMsAcm |
This class holds a list of drivers installed on the system. |
Class unaMsAcmCodec |
This class is wrapper over Windows Multimedia streams API. |
Class unaMsAcmCodecHeader |
This class stores the data used by MS ACM codec. |
Class unaMsAcmDeviceHeader |
Base class for storing the wave and stream headers of wave and ACM devices. |
Class unaMsAcmDriver |
List of installed drivers is maintained by unaMsAcm class, so usually there is no need to create/destroy the driver class explicitly. |
Class unaMsAcmFilter |
This class stores information about the given MS ACM filter. |
Class unaMsAcmFilterTag |
This class stores information about an ACM filter tag. |
Class unaMsAcmFormat |
This class stores information about the given MS ACM format. |
Class unaMsAcmFormatTag |
This class stores information about an ACM format tag. |
Class unaMsAcmObject |
This base class is designed to store an ACM object, such as format or filter. |
Class unaMsAcmObjectTag |
This base class is designed to store the information about an ACM object tag, such as format tag or filter tag. |
Class unaMsAcmStreamDevice |
This is abstract class used as a base for classes dealing with audio streams (codecs, waveIn and waveOut, mixers). |
Class unaRiffStream |
RIFF WAVE stream. |
Class unaWaveDevice |
This abstract class is used as base for unaWaveInDevice (recorder) and unaWaveOutDevice (playback) devices. |
Class unaWaveExclusiveMixerDevice |
This class performs exclusive mixing of input streams. |
Class unaWaveInDevice |
Use this class to record live audio. |
Class unaWaveMixerDevice |
This class performs software mixing of input streams. |
Class unaWaveMultiStreamDevice |
This is base class for devices working with more than two streams. |
Class unaWaveOutDevice |
Use this class to playback PCM audio stream. |
Class unaWaveResampler |
This class can resample audio stream from one PCM format to another. |
Class unaWaveSoftwareDevice |
This is base class for software devices, such as wave mixer. |
function mmNoError(errorCode: MMRESULT): bool; |
function mmGetErrorCodeText(errorCode: MMRESULT): string; |
function mmGetErrorCodeTextEx(errorCode: MMRESULT): string; |
function formatChoose(bufW: pACMFORMATCHOOSEW; const title: wString = ''; style: unsigned = ACMFORMATCHOOSE_STYLEF_INITTOWFXSTRUCT; enumFlag: unsigned = 0; enumFormat: pWAVEFORMATEX = nil): MMRESULT; |
function formatChooseAlloc(var format: pWAVEFORMATEX; defFormatTag: unsigned = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; defSamplesPerSec: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; const title: wString = ''; style: unsigned = ACMFORMATCHOOSE_STYLEF_INITTOWFXSTRUCT; enumFlag: unsigned = 0; enumFormat: pWAVEFORMATEX = nil; formatSize: unsigned = 0; wndHandle: hWnd = 0): MMRESULT; |
function formatIsPCM(format: pWAVEFORMATEX): bool; overload; |
function formatIsPCM(format: pWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): bool; overload; |
function fillPCMFormat(var format: WAVEFORMATEX; samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): pWAVEFORMATEX; overload; |
function fillPCMFormat(samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): WAVEFORMATEX; overload; |
function fillPCMFormatExt(var format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; containerSize: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; validBitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels; channelMask: DWORD = SPEAKER_DEFAULT): PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; overload; |
function fillPCMFormatExt(var format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; const subtype: tGuid; samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; containerSize: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; validBitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels; channelMask: DWORD = SPEAKER_DEFAULT): PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; overload; |
function waveExt2wave(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; var fmt: pWAVEFORMATEX; ignoreChannelLayout: bool = false; allocSize: uint = 0): bool; |
function waveExt2str(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): string; |
function str2waveFormatExt(const str: string; var format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): bool; |
function waveFormatExt2str(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): string; |
function duplicateFormat(source: pWAVEFORMATEX; var dup: pWAVEFORMATEX; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function duplicateFormat(source: pWAVEFORMATEX; var dup: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function duplicateFormat(source: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; var dup: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function duplicateFormat(source: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; var dup: pWAVEFORMATEX; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function getFormatTagExt(fmt: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): DWORD; |
function formatEqual(const format1, format2: WAVEFORMATEX): bool; |
function sampling2str(samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): string; |
function formatTag2str(formatTag: unsigned): string; |
function format2str(const format: WAVEFORMATEX): string; |
function newWaveHdr(device: unaWaveDevice; size: unsigned; data: pointer = nil; prepare: bool = true): unaWaveHeader; |
function removeWaveHdr(var hdr: unaWaveHeader; device: unaWaveDevice): bool; |
tunaAcmDetailsType = (...); |
punaAcmDetails = ˆunaAcmDetails; |
unaWaveDataEvent = procedure (sender: tObject; data: pointer; size: Cardinal) of object; |
unaWaveOnThresholdEvent = procedure (sender: tObject; var passThrough: bool) of object; |
unaWaveGetProviderFormatEvent = procedure (var f: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) of object; |
unaWaveInSDMethods = (...); |
unaDspSignalData = array[byte] of pdspl_float; |
unaDspSignalDataSize = array[byte] of unsigned; |
unaAcmCodecDriverMode = (...); |
unaWaveHeader = pWAVEHDR; |
unaVCWaveEngine = (...); |
unaOnRiffStreamIsDone = procedure(sender: tObject) of object; |
c_defSamplingBitsPerSample = 16; |
c_defSamplingChannelMask = KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_STEREO; |
c_defSamplingNumChannels = 2; |
c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec = 44100; |
c_max_wave_headers = 200; |
c_unaRiffFileType_mpeg = 2; |
c_unaRiffFileType_riff = 1; |
c_unaRiffFileType_unknown = 0; |
c_defChunksPerSecond: unsigned = 50; |
c_defRecordingChunksAheadNum: unsigned = 10; |
c_waveOut_unpause_after: unsigned = 2; |
function mmNoError(errorCode: MMRESULT): bool; |
Returns true if specified errorCode is equal to MMSYSERR_NOERROR. |
function mmGetErrorCodeTextEx(errorCode: MMRESULT): string; |
Same as mmGetErrorCodeText(), but additionally prefixes the result with numeric presentation of error code. Also encloses text in ( ) pair. |
function formatChoose(bufW: pACMFORMATCHOOSEW; const title: wString = ''; style: unsigned = ACMFORMATCHOOSE_STYLEF_INITTOWFXSTRUCT; enumFlag: unsigned = 0; enumFormat: pWAVEFORMATEX = nil): MMRESULT; |
Helper function for acm_formatChoose routine. Fills cbStruct, fdwStyle and pszTitle members before calling Win API. |
function formatChooseAlloc(var format: pWAVEFORMATEX; defFormatTag: unsigned = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; defSamplesPerSec: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; const title: wString = ''; style: unsigned = ACMFORMATCHOOSE_STYLEF_INITTOWFXSTRUCT; enumFlag: unsigned = 0; enumFormat: pWAVEFORMATEX = nil; formatSize: unsigned = 0; wndHandle: hWnd = 0): MMRESULT; |
Displays format choose dialog. Allocates wave format if necessary. |
function formatIsPCM(format: pWAVEFORMATEX): bool; overload; |
function formatIsPCM(format: pWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): bool; overload; |
function fillPCMFormat(var format: WAVEFORMATEX; samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): pWAVEFORMATEX; overload; |
Fills the WAVEFORMATEX structure according to the specified sampling parameters. Returns pointer on format parameter (result := @format). |
function fillPCMFormat(samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): WAVEFORMATEX; overload; |
Fills the WAVEFORMATEX structure according to the specified sampling parameters. Returns filled PCM format. |
function fillPCMFormatExt(var format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; containerSize: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; validBitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels; channelMask: DWORD = SPEAKER_DEFAULT): PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; overload; |
Fills the PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure according to the specified sampling parameters. Returns pointer on format parameter (result := @format). |
function fillPCMFormatExt(var format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; const subtype: tGuid; samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; containerSize: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; validBitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels; channelMask: DWORD = SPEAKER_DEFAULT): PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; overload; |
function waveExt2wave(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; var fmt: pWAVEFORMATEX; ignoreChannelLayout: bool = false; allocSize: uint = 0): bool; |
function waveExt2str(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): string; |
function str2waveFormatExt(const str: string; var format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): bool; |
function waveFormatExt2str(format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): string; |
function duplicateFormat(source: pWAVEFORMATEX; var dup: pWAVEFORMATEX; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
– – |
function duplicateFormat(source: pWAVEFORMATEX; var dup: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function duplicateFormat(source: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; var dup: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function duplicateFormat(source: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE; var dup: pWAVEFORMATEX; allocSize: unsigned = 0): unsigned; overload; |
function getFormatTagExt(fmt: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): DWORD; |
function formatEqual(const format1, format2: WAVEFORMATEX): bool; |
Returns true if two formats are equal. |
function sampling2str(samplesPerSecond: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): string; |
Returns string representation of PCM sampling parameters. |
function formatTag2str(formatTag: unsigned): string; |
Returns string representation of some audio format tags, or #NNN if tag is unknown. |
function format2str(const format: WAVEFORMATEX): string; |
Returns string representation of audio format. |
function newWaveHdr(device: unaWaveDevice; size: unsigned; data: pointer = nil; prepare: bool = true): unaWaveHeader; |
Creates new wave header.
ReturnsNew wave header. |
function removeWaveHdr(var hdr: unaWaveHeader; device: unaWaveDevice): bool; |
Destroys header object.
ReturnsTrue if successfull (header is not nil). |
tunaAcmDetailsType = (...); |
ACM Details enumeration. Values
punaAcmDetails = ˆunaAcmDetails; |
ACM Details record. |
unaWaveOnThresholdEvent = procedure (sender: tObject; var passThrough: bool) of object; |
Fired when switching from silence to voice and back. |
unaWaveGetProviderFormatEvent = procedure (var f: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) of object; |
Returns external provider format |
unaDspSignalData = array[byte] of pdspl_float; |
unaDspSignalDataSize = array[byte] of unsigned; |
unaAcmCodecDriverMode = (...); |
– – Values
unaWaveHeader = pWAVEHDR; |
unaVCWaveEngine = (...); |
DS is not supported yet. Values
unaOnRiffStreamIsDone = procedure(sender: tObject) of object; |
c_defSamplingBitsPerSample = 16; |
c_defSamplingChannelMask = KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_STEREO; |
c_defSamplingNumChannels = 2; |
c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec = 44100; |
c_max_wave_headers = 200; |
Max number of headers to utilize |
c_unaRiffFileType_mpeg = 2; |
c_unaRiffFileType_riff = 1; |
c_unaRiffFileType_unknown = 0; |
c_defChunksPerSecond: unsigned = 50; |
Number of chunks per second (in real time mode) Default value was changed from 20 to 25 (for 11025 rate to be handled better) AUG'03: changed to 50, for 11025 it will be 49 |
c_defRecordingChunksAheadNum: unsigned = 10; |
Number of chunks to put into waveIn recording queue (does not afftect the latency). Default value is 10 |
c_waveOut_unpause_after: unsigned = 2; |
Number of chunks to put into waveOut before unpausing. Default value is 2 |
(c) 2012 Lake of Soft