Description | Hierarchy | Fields | Methods | Properties |
type unaMsAcmFormat = class(unaMsAcmObject)
This class stores information about the given MS ACM format.
constructor create(tag: unaMsAcmObjectTag; details: pACMFORMATDETAILS); overload; |
constructor create(); overload; override; |
function formatChoose(bufW: pACMFORMATCHOOSEW; const title: wString = ''): MMRESULT; |
constructor create(tag: unaMsAcmObjectTag; details: pACMFORMATDETAILS); overload; |
constructor create(); overload; override; |
function formatChoose(bufW: pACMFORMATCHOOSEW; const title: wString = ''): MMRESULT; |
Brings up UI dialog with format enumeration. |
(c) 2012 Lake of Soft