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Class unaWaveResampler




type unaWaveResampler = class(unaWaveSoftwareDevice)


This class can resample audio stream from one PCM format to another. It does not use ACM codecs.

8, 16 and 32 bits samples with virtually unlimited number of channels and samples per second are supported.




Public constructor create(realTime: bool = false; overNum: unsigned = 0);
Public destructor Destroy(); override;
Public function setSampling(isSrc: bool; const format: WAVEFORMATEX): bool; overload;
Public function setSampling(isSrc: bool; samplesPerSec: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): bool; overload;
Public function setSamplingExt(isSrc: bool; format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): bool; overload;
Protected function afterOpen(): MMRESULT; override;
Protected function doWrite(buf: pointer; size: unsigned): unsigned; override;
Protected function flush2(waitForComplete: bool = true): bool; override;
Protected function getMasterIsSrc2(): bool; override;
Protected function onHeaderDone(header: unaWaveHeader; wakeUpByHeaderDone: bool): bool; override;
Public procedure AfterConstruction(); override;
Protected procedure afterClose(closeResult: MMRESULT); override;


Public property useSpeexDSP: bool read f_useSpeexDSP write f_useSpeexDSP;



Public constructor create(realTime: bool = false; overNum: unsigned = 0);
Public destructor Destroy(); override;
Public function setSampling(isSrc: bool; const format: WAVEFORMATEX): bool; overload;

Sets the source or destination stream format.

Public function setSampling(isSrc: bool; samplesPerSec: unsigned = c_defSamplingSamplesPerSec; bitsPerSample: unsigned = c_defSamplingBitsPerSample; numChannels: unsigned = c_defSamplingNumChannels): bool; overload;

Sets the source or destination stream format.

Public function setSamplingExt(isSrc: bool; format: PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE): bool; overload;
Protected function afterOpen(): MMRESULT; override;
Protected function doWrite(buf: pointer; size: unsigned): unsigned; override;


Protected function flush2(waitForComplete: bool = true): bool; override;

Forces all awaiting data to be resampled.

Protected function getMasterIsSrc2(): bool; override;

Returns false.

Protected function onHeaderDone(header: unaWaveHeader; wakeUpByHeaderDone: bool): bool; override;
Public procedure AfterConstruction(); override;
Protected procedure afterClose(closeResult: MMRESULT); override;


Public property useSpeexDSP: bool read f_useSpeexDSP write f_useSpeexDSP;

Try to use Speex DSP resampler if available.

(c) 2012 Lake of Soft

Generated by PasDoc 0.12.1 on 2012-10-09