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Components reference


Designed to provide multi-user voice and text chat for up to 15 clients simultaneously. If you need more than 15 clients, please contact us.

While IpClient, IpServer and MediaGate components allow peer-to-peer or one-to-many audio conversations only, the ConferenceServer component gives the ability for more than two participants to talk with each other in real time.

Set Proto and Port properties to specify the socket parameters. Set Active to true to initiate the server.

We recommend to use GSM/8000/16 bit/mono or GSM/44100/16 bit/mono audio quality settings, but you can experiment. Client's audio quality settings must be similar as ConferenceServer's ones.


IvcproConferenceServerEvents (IDispatch)
Can be implemeted by client to hook events
void OnAcceptClient(long ConnId, bool* accept)Fires when server accepts new client connection. Set the accept parameter to True to accept connection. Call GetClientParam method to receive client parameters, such as ip-address, port number, etc.
void OnClientConnect(long ConnId)Fires when new client connects to server
void OnClientDisconnect(long ConnId)Fires when client disconnects from server
void OnReceiveText(long ConnId, BSTR Text)Fires when component receives a text from remote side.

Dispatch interface for ConferenceServer component
void DisconnectClient(long ConnId)Disconnects client from server using client connection ID
long GetClientConnId(long ClientIndex)Returns ClientId for given index. ClientIndex may be from 0 to ClientCount - 1
BSTR GetClientParam(long ConnId, vcClientParam ParamType)Returns client parameter such as ip-address, port number etc. using client connection ID and param type
void SendText(long ConnId, BSTR text)Sends text message to client indicated by ConnId parameter over network. If component is in client mode, ConnId parameter is ignored
bool ActiveSet to true to activate (open) the component. All other properties should be set to proper values before activation. Set to false to deactivate (close) the component
BSTR BindToSpecifies the IP address the socket should bind to. Default '' means that the socket should bind to the first available network interface.
long ClientCountReturns current number of clients connected
long FormatTagSpecifies audio format tag for the wave device
long MaxClientsSpecifies maximum number of clients that can connect to server. "-1" value means no limit, "0" value means no clients
long PcmBitsPerSampleSpecifies number of bits per sample for wave device
long PcmNumChannelsSpecifies number of channels per sample for wave device
long PcmSamplesPerSecSpecifies number of samples per second for wave device
BSTR PortSpecifies port number for the client/server TCP/IP socket
unaProtoType ProtoSpecifies Proto for the TCP/IP socket (TCP or UDP)
bool SyncEventsSpecifies whether events calls synchronized through main thread

See also...

Base interfaces

Wave processing components:
WaveIn, WaveOut, WaveCodec, WaveRiff, WaveMixer, WaveResampler, Equalizer, WaveMultiBandSplitter

Legacy IP components:
IpServer, IpClient, IpBroadcastServer, IpBroadcastClient, MediaGate

RTP streaming components:
IPReceiver, IPTransmitter, RTPConfClient, RTPConfServer

Misc. components:
VolumeControl, DisplayBands

VCX Library 3.0 © 2012 Lake of Soft
All rights reserved.