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Components reference


Broadcasts audio stream over LAN using the special destination IP address and UDP sockets.

Set the Port property to specify the port number to broadcast to. Setting the Active property to true will initiate broadcasting.


Dispatch interface for IpBroadcastServer component
void SetData(VARIANT* data)Writes data to input stream
bool ActiveSet to true to activate (open) the component. All other properties should be set to proper values before activation. Set to false to deactivate (close) the component
bool AutoActivateWhen true tells the component it must activate consumer (if any) before activating itself. Same applies for deactivation. When false the component does not change the consumer state
BSTR BindToSpecifies the IP address the socket should bind to. Default '' means that the socket should bind to the first available network interface.
long DataSizeInReturns data written into but not yet processed by the pipe
long DataSizeOutReturns data size available to read from the pipe
BSTR DumpInputFile name to dump the component input data to
BSTR DumpOutputFile name to dump the component output data to
bool IsFormatProviderWhen true the component will assign stream format to the consumer (if any). This simplifies the process of distributing stream format among linked components. For example WaveRiff component can assign PCM format to linked WaveOutDevice component, so WAVe file will be played back correctly
bool EnableDataProcessingWhen set to False suppresses any new data from being produced by the component itself. For example, WaveIn component will not stream any new data (but will remain Active). In addition, components like Codec and Resampler will not perform any data processing, passing the incoming data down to consumers without any modification
BSTR PortSpecifies port number for the client/server TCP/IP socket
bool SyncEventsSpecifies whether events calls synchronized through main thread

See also...

Base interfaces

Wave processing components:
WaveIn, WaveOut, WaveCodec, WaveRiff, WaveMixer, WaveResampler, Equalizer, WaveMultiBandSplitter

Legacy IP components:
IpServer, IpClient, IpBroadcastClient, MediaGate, ConferenceServer

RTP streaming components:
IPReceiver, IPTransmitter, RTPConfClient, RTPConfServer

Misc. components:
VolumeControl, DisplayBands

VCX Library 3.0 © 2012 Lake of Soft
All rights reserved.